Sabado, Oktubre 13, 2012

Release Insulin

Sugar stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, which in turn causes extra calcium to be excreted in the urine. restore restrict retain retard reverberate reverse revise revolt revolve rigor rotate rudimentary saint sanction satellite saturate scalar secrete segment shrink sibling signify simultaneous skeleton sketch sociology solar spatial specify spectrum speculate spontaneous starve stationary statistic stereotype stimulate stipulate strata subdivide subjective subordinate subside subsidize suffice superficial superimpose education educational educationally educator eel eerie eerily effect effective effectively effectiveness effects effeminate effervescence effervescent efficiency efficient efficiently effigy effort effortless effortlessly effusive effusively EFL e.g. egalitarian egalitarianism egg egghead embroidery embroil embryo embryonic emcee emerald emerge emergence emergency emergency brake emergency room emergent emeritus emery board emigrant emigrate emigration eminent eminently emir emirate emissary emission emit Emmy emotion emotional emotionally emotive empathize empathy emperor emphases emphasis emphasize emphatic emphatically emphysema empire empirical employ employee employer employment employment agency emporium empower empowerment

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